Formulating Plant Protein Blends for Specific Applications

Our SolvPro® team of experts is experienced in blending plant proteins for food and beverage manufacturers. It’s how we create complete plant protein systems. It’s also a great way to reach a color, flavor and functionality profile that is optimized for specific applications.

There are two areas a product developer should think about as they evaluate what blended protein systems work best in a formula.

Nutritional Considerations: What macro and micro nutrient targets are you trying to hit?

  • Protein Concentration
  • Nutritional Profile
  • PDCAAS Score
  • Allergen Risk

Sensory Considerations: What’s the product application, usage level and impact on key sensory attributes listed below?

  • Flavor
  • Color
  • Functionality
  • Processability

Market Considerations: Is the protein blend readily available and will it meet the cost targets for a specific product

  • Crop and product availability
  • Pricing

Osage Food Products’ SolvPro® team has developed many optimized plant protein blends designed for easy incorporation into a variety of applications. One of our most popular is SolvPro 012, which is a pea protein isolate/barley-rice protein isolate blend that has a PDCAAS score of 1.00. A couple interesting notes on this blend:

  • It’s made with a new barley-rice protein made from spent brewers grains (upcycled barley) from the brewing process, so it is considered sustainable and environmentally friendly.
  • The blend delivers superior solubility and a clean flavor and smooth mouthfeel, especially in ready-to- mix (RTM) powdered beverages.
  • It has an exceptional amino acid profile and a PDCAAS of 1.0 delivering optimized nutritional attributes.
  • It is available in a flavor masked version for a balanced and clean flavor profile.

The blend is fantastic for most applications, but it has a slightly darker color and contains barley gluten, so it may be inappropriate for some applications that require a lighter color and gluten free claims. It also may not be ideal for extruded snacks due to its high solubility characteristics.

For an extruded snack protein blend, our SolvPro024 is a blend of a functionally larger mesh pea protein isolate and brown rice protein concentrate that are designed specifically for bakery and extruded snack systems yet still delivers a complete protein and a PDCAAS of 1.0. Plus, it’s allergen-free so it can be used in allergen-free products.

Want more information on our blends? Contact us and we’ll send you a list. 

Free White Paper: Flavoring the Trends

Download this white paper to learn which flavors will differentiate your trending products.
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